The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Monthly Meeting began at 7pm October 10, 2024 as an in-person only meeting at the Corvallis Museum with Colleen Powers presiding. Thirty-three people attended, including one new member (Michele Holcombe) and three guests. The guild now has 74 members.
JC Briar gave a presentation on pojagi (also called bojagi). This is a traditional Korean piecing technique originally used as gift wrapping. It has one layer of fabric with finished seams on both sides making it reversible. It is well suited for use in window coverings, table runners, placemats and even clothing. If made of sheer fabrics it will look like stained class when hung in a window. JC played some how-to videos available at the Epida Studio YouTube channel. This was a great presentation, and many members indicated they want to try pojagi. JC will be available at the October 20 Sew Day to help people with it.
This is our annual business meeting. For 2025 we elected President – Colleen Powers (returning), Vice-president – Alice Marshall (new), Treasurer – Sara Power (new), Secretary – Marty Stowers (new), Membership – Joyce Loper (returning). Outgoing officers Nancy Mandel, JC Briar, and Diana Finkenaur each said a few words emphasizing that volunteering is a good way to meet other members and to give back to an organization which has done a lot to enhance our quilting experiences.
Appointed positions:
Hand sewing group – Pattie Dix, In-person sew days – Diana Finkenaur, Virtual sew days – Pattie Dix and Susan Clark, Book club – Pattie Dix, Community Giving – Mieke Vandenreek, Wesite – Ann Geyer, Social Media (New) – JC Briar, Library of Things – JC Briar and Ultimate Finisher (Marty Stowers is the outgoing chair. We haven’t decided yet whether to have this next year).
Financial Report:
Diana (guild treasurer) reported that we presently have $1650. Our largest fixed expense is the dues we pay to the Modern Quilt Guild of $1320. Other fixed expenses include liability insurance, QuiltCon, mailbox, Zoom, WIX and other web costs. Our largest variable expenses are for programing and workshops. The guild’s expenses will exceed its income this year. The executive board decided to raise the dues for the upcoming year by $5 to $45. This is the amount that a person would pay if they were just a member of the national guild but not the local. CMQG members will get both memberships for $45.
QuiltCon Quilt:
JC Briar is leading this project and has chosen the name Collective Madness from those suggested. Quilting options are being investigated.
Show and Tell:
Eight people displayed S&T items. This is always a fun part of the meeting, and we encourage people to bring their creations for us to see.
Our annual survey to learn the interests and programing suggestions of our members was completed by our attending members.
Dues for the upcoming year will be $45. Please don’t pay yet as the website is not yet set up for 2025 dues payments. When it is, please pay online if possible as this makes it much easier on the volunteers handling this.
November Meeting:
Nancy Mandel will give a presentation on Freddy Moran and her quilts.
December Meeting:
Our annual holiday party will be a potluck at the Corvallis Museum. This year’s gift exchange will be a table runner which the maker can choose to make as a pojagi (or not). As in past years, Elfster will be used in organizing the gift exchange. Contact Colleen if you are willing to help plan the party.
January meeting:
This will be a Zoom-only meeting with a lecture by Brita Nelson “Every Last Crumb, an Adventure in Scrap Quilting”. We will be offering a Zoom workshop by Nelson– “Crumbs to Quilts” on Saturday Jan 18th 9am to 1pm. More information will be emailed to members at a later date.
Ultimate Finisher:
Only seven people are participating so far this year. There is still plenty of time to participate. Please see the website for information.
Book Club:
The book club meets monthly via Zoom at 7pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month, which is October 23. The October book is The Maid, by Nita Prose. The November book is The Color of Water by James McBride. Sign up through the website if you wish to participate.
This is an annual quilt show held in Salem on the first Friday-Saturday in November (Nov 1,2, 2024). Our own Colleen Powers is giving a presentation on hand quilting. Quilters have until Oct 27 to register to display a quilt. See for details.
Upcoming Guild and other Quilting Events:
More information on these events is either above or on the website.
Sunday, October 20th: In-person Sew Day 10am – 4pm
Wednesday, October 23: Book Club 7pm
Saturday, October 26: Virtual Sew Day 10am – 4pm
Friday-Saturday, Nov 1-2: Quiltopia in Salem
Sunday, November 3: Hand Sewing Group
Thursday, Nov 14: Monthly meeting