The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Monthly Meeting started via Zoom at 7pm, December 9, 2021, with Missy Rice Cook presiding. Thirty people attended. This was our annual holiday meeting which normally takes place at a restaurant but because of the pandemic was held virtually again this year.
Hand Sewing Group: Hand sewing is presently the guild’s only in-person activity, meeting in Pattie’s back yard during the summer. The activity is on hold for now. It will be restarted, possibly when the weather warms.
Dues: It’s time to pay dues. This can be done on-line by going to our website, If you need to write a check instead, please let us know.
Sew Day: There is no Sew Day in December.
Queen of the UFOs: Every year members can enter the Queen of the UFOs contest for $10 a sheet. You can list up to ten projects on your sheet and as you finish them, they are checked off. Items can be added to your list during the year, and you can purchase more than one sheet. For each finished project you have one chance of winning the pot (all the money collected).
Queen of the UFOs Name: None of the board members like this name but we’ve had difficulty coming up with a new one. The name implies that the winner must be female and that only items that have been started but are unfinished are eligible. We would like a name that is gender neutral and that includes any project shown during Show and Tell. Get it Done is the best alternative name we’ve come up with. We will decide on a new name at the January meeting. We welcome suggestions.
Sew Along/Block of the Month: Lorna is leading this activity which will begin in January. We will be making blocks from the book Quilt Improv by Lucie Summers. At each monthly meeting, Lorna will announce the block for that month and will display a sample. Participants will display their blocks during Show and Tell the following month. Members who choose to participate will need to buy the book. They do not need to participate every month.
Theme for 2022: Our guild’s theme for 2022 is Scraps.
January 13 Meeting: The program will be members sharing their goals for the upcoming year. A questionnaire will be emailed to members to facilitate this activity. The winner of the Queen of the UFOs (Get it Done) will be chosen. January is the last month to finish projects on your list. We will begin the monthly Sew Along/Block of the Month activity. Please send photos of your Show and Tell items to
Charity Quilts: We have been giving our charity quilts to ABC House but they have sufficient quilts and are not accepting any more at the present time. We have nine Hartman quilts and over 20 other charity quilts to give away and are looking for a recipient. Two possible recipients are Make a Wish and Jackson House.
Book Club: The book club meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Contact Janet if you wish to participate.
Holiday Game: Members sent in photos of themselves as children and we tried to match the photo with the member. This was a fun activity but remarkably difficult.
Holiday Gift Swap: Participants made pillow covers and swapped them. There was a wonderful variety of pillow covers and every one of them was lovely.
The meeting ended at 8:30.
Submitted by Nancy Mandel, secretary