The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Monthly Meeting started via Zoom at 7pm, January 13, 2021, with Missy presiding and Camille handling the Zoom session. Thirty-eight people attended. This was our first meeting of the year and we discussed goals for the upcoming year.
Dues: It’s time to pay dues. This can be done on-line by going to our website, If you need to write a check instead, please let us know. We have 57 members.
Sew Along/Block of the Month: Lorna is leading this activity. We will be making blocks from the book Quilt Improv by Lucie Summers. Members who choose to participate will need to have the book. They can make the blocks any size they wish and use them however they wish. They do not need to participate every month. Our first block is appliqúed circle on page 14. Lorna displayed a sample and will be at Sew Day around noon to answer questions. She used Karen Buckley’s Bigger Perfect Circle templates for this block but there are other templates available or make your own of cardboard. Participants will display their blocks during show-and-tell in February. Please send photos of your blocks to
Sew Day: Sew Day is online and is the 4th Saturday of each month which this month is the 22nd. It will start at 9am and end 4 to 6ish depending on participation. Pattie D is running it in the morning and Susan C in the afternoon.
Get it Done / Queen of the UFOs/ Ultimate Finisher: Every year members can enter this contest for $10 a sheet. You can list up to ten projects on your sheet and can purchase more than one sheet. Sheets and checks are sent to Lorna. When you finish an item, please display it during show-and-tell and Lorna will check it off your list. Items may be vague or specific and can be added to your list during the year. For each finished project you have one chance of winning the pot (all the money collected). This was the last month to complete 2021 projects. We had the drawing, and the winner was Amber, who had completed a remarkable four sheets! Sheets and instructions for 2022 will be on the website soon.
Ruler Library: The ruler library consists of about 50 rulers and templates available for members to borrow (see the website for the list). Contact Ann G if you are interested.
Community Quilts for 2021: In past years we gave quilts to ABC House but they presently have sufficient quilts. We have about 30 quilts to give away. We gave the Covid Quilt to Make a Wish and they are auctioning it off. Bidding ends Saturday and is presently at $225. We are giving two quilts to the Old Mill Center and the rest to the Jackson St. Shelter and CASA.
Community Project for 2022: We will be making bags for the Cancer Center. Janet will email information to us.
Goals: Our guild’s theme for the year is Scraps. Individual goals included: block of the month, garment sewing, quilted jacket, something new, free motion quilting and getting rid of unfinished projects that will never be finished. For the last the guild might try sharing unfinished projects when we have an in-person meeting.
Quilted Jackets Class: Diana makes quilted jackets and is willing to give us a class on it.
QuiltCon: QuiltCon is the Modern Quilt Guild’s annual convention. Several members are attending, and our guild has a quilt entered. It is a beautiful quilt designed by Diana and featuring angles (this year’s theme).
Show-and-tell: This is always a fun part of the meeting, and this month was no exception. Please send photos of show-and-tell items for the February meeting to .
Book Club: The book club meets online at 7pm on the 4th Wednesday of the month. This month’s book is Island of Sea Women and next month’s is Night Road. Contact Janet if you wish to participate.
March Lecture and Class: Blair Stocker, author of Wise Craft Quilts and inventor of the Ruby Ruler will be the speaker at our March meeting and will teach a class on Saturday, March 12. The class will be “Find the Value in Your Stash”. The cost will be $25 for members and $35 for non-members. Participants will need a Ruby Ruler or something similar to view contrasts.
The meeting ended at 8:30.
Submitted by Nancy Mandel, secretary