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Board Meeting Minutes April 2023

The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Board Meeting started via Zoom at 6pm, April 10, 2023, with Camille Ainsworth and Diana Finkenaur presiding and Pattie Dix, Nancy Mandel, Janet Kok, and Lorna Myers attending.

Treasurer position: Andrea, our current treasurer, resigned for personal reasons. Diana volunteered to serve as treasurer for the remainder of the year. Diana needs to obtain the Treasurer’s Notebook, containing “how-to” information and forms, and other items from Andrea. She also needs a debit card. Christina Harrison, our previous treasurer, will be consulted if questions arise.

Co-President Position: This leaves a co-presidency position vacant. Camille will seek a person to fill this position. Perhaps with the understanding that that person becomes president next year.

Job Descriptions: It was agreed that we should have good job descriptions for each office (both elected and appointed) to make it easier for incoming officers to do their jobs. Present officers should create these. They should look at existing descriptions in the Leader’s Handbook on the MQG website, as a place to start. Those not on the executive board may also find helpful information to write their job descriptions. Use this link and sign in using your own account:

Board Meetings: It was agreed that we need a board meeting in a month. Janet will send out proposed dates.

Raffle prize: The guild is giving out a $25 gift certificate at member meetings as a raffle prize. It was decided that the certificate for April would be from the Modern Domestic, a fabric store in the Portland area with a good online presence.

Submitted by Nancy Mandel, Secretary


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