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September 2023

The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Monthly Meeting was at 7pm Sept 14, 2023 at the Corvallis Community Center with Camille Ainsworth and Colleen Powers presiding. Thirty-one people attended in person and two via Zoom.

Program: Nancy Mandel gave a Power Point presentation on Tucker Templates. These templates are available for various quilting units (half- square triangle, flying geese, etc.) and all follow the principle of making the unit a little too large and trimming it to size to increase accuracy.

New Members: We have five new members.

Raffle Drawing: Kathy and Betsy each won a $20 gift certificate to

Nominations for officers: Camille, Colleen, Nancy M, and Diana Finkenaur are nominated to continue in their present positions as president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer respectively. Joyce Loper will take over membership chair and Marty Stowers will be the Ultimate Finisher chair. There will be a committee in charge of community quilts. Susan Clark will continue to run swaps.

Show-and-tell: Four people had S&T items. This is a fun activity every month. Bring your S&T items to the meeting or send photos to

Quilt Exhibit at Philomath Museum: This ended on September 9 and the displayed quilts were returned to their owners at the meeting. Pattie Dix has the quilts that were not returned at the meeting.

Community Quilt: Members worked on the CMQG Community Quilt at the August 20th Sew Day and will continue at the September 17th Sew Day.

Swap Challenge: Susan leads this. Members exchanged “ugly” fabrics at the May meeting, made them into 12 ½ inch blocks and then exchanged these at the July meeting. Participants made these into quilt tops and gave them to the original ugly fabric owner at the September meeting. The resulting quilt tops were varied and beautiful. The next swap will be the annual Christmas swap.

Ultimate Finisher: Don’t forget that you can participate in the Ultimate Finisher contest. Sheets are $10 each and you can list up to ten projects on your sheet. You don’t need to list all ten projects in the beginning but can instead add projects to your list through the year. You need to let Lorna know when you add a project. UF sheets and checks are sent to Lorna. Participants have until January 2024 to complete their projects and they receive one ticket in the raffle for each completed project. At the January meeting there will be a drawing and the winner gets 50% of the pot, second place gets 30% and third gets 20%. See the website for details.

October Monthly Meeting: Pattie Dix will be speaking on What is a Modern Quilt.

Survey: Members attending the meeting filled out a survey asking about their interests regarding the guild.

Book Club: The book club meets monthly via Zoom at 7pm on the last Wednesday of the month, which is September 27. This month’s book is The Indigo Girl by Natasa Boyd. The October book is A Long Petal of the Sea by Isabel Allende. Contact Janet or Missy if you wish to participate.

Green Curves Challenge: This challenge is to make a modern quilt that is at least 50% green and 50% curved seams. Pieced and applique seams are both allowed. The guild is considering displaying these at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show which requires quilts to be at least 40 inches by 40 inches. Quilts must be completed by the April meeting.

Upcoming Events: More information on these events is either above or will be shared later.

Sept 16 Workshop 1 with Jacquie Gering (This has been postponed)

Sept 17 In-Person Sew Day at CPI

Sept 23 Virtual Sew Day on Zoom, 9-4pm

Sept 27 Book Club

Oct 01 Hand Sewing Group. Contact Pattie D if interested.

Oct 12 Monthly Meeting. What is a Modern Quilt

Oct 14 Workshop 2 with Jacquie Gering

Oct 15 In-person Sew Day at CPI

Oct 25 Book Club

Oct 28 Virtual Sew Day on Zoom, 9-4pm

The meeting ended at 8:30.

Submitted by Nancy Mandel, secretary of CMQG


© 2023-2025 by Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild

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