The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Monthly Meeting started at 7pm, Sept 9, 2021, on Zoom with Pattie Dix presiding. 18 people attended including one guest.
Nominations for next year’s officers: Nominations for elected officers are set. We still need a donation coordinator and more sew-day hosts (these are non-elected positions). Sheridan volunteered to be a sew-day host. Sheridan also volunteered to help with technology as she does that professionally.
Needle book swap: 17 people are signed up. We’ll open during the October meeting so make sure to mail early if your recipient lives out of the area.
Quiltcon Quilt: The theme this year is angles. Diana created the design and divided it into 10-inch blocks (finished size). She recommends using Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP) to make these blocks and is giving presentations on FPP. We still need more volunteers to sew the blocks. Several people volunteered but we need a few more.
Sew Day: The next sew day is Sept 25, 9am to 6pm. Diana will do an FPP demonstration at 1pm.
Hand-sewing Mini-group: The next meeting is Sept 12 at 10am. Because of covid it will be in Pattie’s yard again, not the realtor’s office as previously announced. Members who have volunteered to make a Quiltcon block can pick up the fabric at that time if the member lets Pattie know she is coming.
Free Motion Textures Quilting Class: Christina Cameli is teaching this class to our guild on Sept 18. Christina taught a beginning free-motion quilting (FMQ) class to our guild in August that all participants agreed was excellent. The class description says participants should be of intermediate skill at FMQ but Pattie says that is not necessary. Participants just need to know how to set up their machine and the basics of FMQ. Ten people are signed up. There are still openings. The cost is $45 for members.
Charity Quilts: Charity quilts are given to ABC House and need to be finished by December.
Weeknight chat group: Because we are meeting via Zoom, members are not becoming acquainted with each other. To promote member interaction, it was suggested at last Sunday’s board meeting that we have a weeknight chat group. Derrith is taking the lead on this. She suggested calling it. “Quilting Conversations”. It would a one-hour weeknight meeting, separate from our monthly meeting. Ways to make this happen were discussed including breaking into smaller groups. It was also suggested that we have a 30-minute social time, beginning at 6:30 on monthly meeting nights. Pattie will start this at our October monthly meeting.
October Monthly Meeting: Pam Raby will give a presentation on single-fold binding. Next year’s officers will be elected.
Philomath Museum exhibit: The Mary’s River Quilt Guild has an exhibit of quilts by members that are now deceased.
Corvallis Arts Center exhibit: There is an exhibit by the Portland Fiber Arts Guild.
Show and Tell: Two people had show-and-tell items.
Website: Pattie reminded attendees that our guild has an excellent website containing lots of information and urged us to use it.
Book Club: The book club meets on Sept 22.
Meeting presentation: Camille gave a presentation on “quilt as you go”. This is a technique in which you piece onto the batting.
The meeting ended at 8:30 pm.
Submitted by Nancy Mandel, acting secretary.