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November 2023

The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Monthly Meeting was at 7pm Nov 9, 2023, at the Corvallis Community Center with Camille Ainsworth presiding. This was an in-person-only meeting with 22 attendees.

Program: This was our annual Make and Take meeting. This year we made felt Christmas tree ornaments. A big thank you to Colleen Powers who led this activity and supplied and prepared the materials. Lovely ornaments were created of different colors and shapes and decorated with beads and sequins.

Raffle Drawing: Jenny Ayotte won a $25 gift certificate to Then Came June.

Officers: There has been a change in officers. JC Briar will be the vice president in 2024, Diana Finkenaur will be in charge of swaps, and Camille will be in charge of our Social Media and Community Engagement.

Show-and-tell: Five people had S&T items. This is a fun activity every month so please bring your items to share.

Community Quilts: Susan displayed a nearly completed community quilt that members had made blocks for.

Holiday Swap: Twelve people signed up to participate in the Holiday Swap.

Dues: It is time to pay dues for the upcoming year. Dues are increasing to $40 in 2024 because of increasing costs. Please go online to our new website ( and pay dues for 2024.

December Monthly Meeting: This is our annual holiday party. This year we will be meeting at Common Fields from 6 to 8pm. All members are welcome.

January Modern Quilt Top Challenge: The challenge is to make a quilt top with a modern design, at least 60 inches in circumference, and with at least two of the following characteristics of a modern quilt: modern traditionalism, alternative grid work, expansive negative space, bold use of color and solid fabrics, improvisational piecing, minimalism, maximalism, and high contrast. We will display these quilt tops during Show and Tell at the January 11 meeting.


Green Curves Challenge: This challenge is to make a modern quilt that is mainly green with mainly curved seams. Pieced and applique seams are both allowed. The guild is considering displaying these at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show which requires quilts to have a perimeter of at least 160 inches and be rectangular. Quilts must be completed by the April meeting.

Book Club: The book club meets monthly via Zoom at 7pm on the last Wednesday of the month, which is November 27. This month’s book is Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano. The December book is Tracy Flick Can’t Win by Tom Perrotta. Contact Pattie Dix if you wish to participate. 

Carolina Oneto Workshop on Nov 18: Curves and transparencies: In this workshop the participants will make a mini-quilt top designed from scratch. Then there will be discussion about Color Theory and how to create a Transparency effect with color and fabrics. Carolina will also show how to cut fabrics with complex shapes and join these curved shapes by machine. The class will be recorded and

available to paid participants for 10 days after class.

In-person Sew Day Nov 19: JC will be on hand to teach how to sew curves.

Exploring Hand Stitching Class: Jennifer Ayotte is teaching this again winter term through LBCC.

Hand Sewing Group: This activity is at the home of Pattie Dix on the first Sunday of the month. It has moved indoors so there is limited space. If you wish to attend, please RSVP Pattie when she sends out more information.

Upcoming Events: More information on these events is either above or will be shared later.

Nov 18, Oneto Workshop

Nov 19, In-person Sew Day at CPI

Nov 25, Virtual Sew Day

Nov 27, Book Club

Dec 3, Hand Sewing

Dec 14, December Monthly Meeting at Common Fields

Dec 17, In-person Sew Day at CPI

Dec 23, Virtual Sew Day

Dec 27, Book Group

The meeting ended at 8:30.

Submitted by Nancy Mandel, secretary of CMQG


© 2023-2025 by Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild

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