New members were introduced: Carol Wright and Donna Westwood. Welcome!
General Business:
Brenna Gates, Communications Manager with the Modern Quilt Guild, gave us a quick tour and answered questions about the members-only section of the MQG website.
Our Guild is starting its own book club! Please contact Missy Rice Cook or Janet Kok with questions, and for a list of upcoming books and meeting dates.
We’re trying to locate the scrap bag with the big bow on it. Contact Pattie if you have it.
Please send a selfie to Camille, so we can include a photo of everyone in our Guild on the members-only section of the website.
Membership: Now is the time to renew your membership for 2021!
As a benefit of belonging to the Guild, members in good standing at the end of February will be treated to a FREE lecture given by Cindy Grisdela.
If you’re not familiar with her bold and colorful work, visit her webpage:
The Zoom invite will go to new members and those who have renewed, and only current members will be allowed into the meeting.
SAVE THE DATE! Cindy’s hour-long lecture, Playing with Color, will take place Thursday, March 4th at 6:30.
New Class Announced: Cindy Grisdela will be teaching (via Zoom) a half-day version of her Improv Puzzle Blocks workshop on Saturday, March 13, from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST. $55 for members/$70 for non-members. See details and sign up on the STORE tab of the website. Space is limited: members get first chance to register until the end of February, when we’ll open registration to non-members.
Improv Puzzle Blocks Class by Cindy Grisdela
Queen of the UFO’s: Sarah drew the winner of the Queen of the UFO’s for 2020. Congrats to Amber, who won $180!
Lorna will be taking over this challenge in 2021. Please print out a sheet to fill out and mail, along with $10 per sheet, directly to Lorna. The sheet and Lorna’s address are located in the members-only area of the website.
Ruler/Notions Lending Library: Ann has offered to organize a lending library among members of various specialty rulers and notions. She will be sending out a survey: stay tuned for details.
Charity Quilts: Sheila announced that all charity quilts in 2021 (except for the QuiltCon Community Partners Quilt) will be given to ABC House in Albany. Many quilts made by members last fall were generously donated instead to victims of the Oregon fires, so ABC House can use our support again. Minimum 50×50, no holiday or “kiddie” fabrics, please.
Sheila and Ann discussed the “Covid” quilt members made last Fall.
Swaps: Lorna and Susan C. will be heading up swaps this year. We will create only things that are easy to mail, until we can meet again in person. First up will be a mug rug made with skinny strips of fabric. We’ll use Elfster to randomly assign names: sign up before the end of February. Please have your completed rug to your swap mate in early April: we’ll open them together during the April monthly meeting. Contact Lorna for questions.
Discussion and Show & Tell: Personal sewing-related goals were shared.
Sew Day is January 23, hosted by Kim. Noon to 4:00.
February’s monthly meeting will feature a trunk show and talk given by Caroline.
Plan ahead! Since Guild members are taking many classes (via Craft Napa, QuiltCon, Sew Expo and our own class by Irene Roderick) please plan to share ONE tip you learned during the monthly meeting in March.